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Worksuite - Customizing Query
Project ID: CUS_000206
Willing to pay Fixed Cost ($800 - $1000 USD) - Posted: 24 Feb, 2024
Hi, Please find below the description of the work and customization I'm looking for on the Worksuite SaaS version, Add Project Section: I'd like to include more details and options when setting up a project. I've attached a screenshot named "Add Project Options" to demonstrate all the settings, options, and layout I'm looking for when creating a new project to the system. Project Overview: Once the project is created, in the Project Overview section (Work > Projects > Select a Project > Overview), I'd like all the details shown in the screenshot named "Add Project Options" to be reflected within the project. I've attached a screenshot named "Project Overview" to give you an idea of what I mean. I would li

Please find below the description of the work and customization I'm looking for on the Worksuite SaaS version,

Add Project Section:

I'd like to include more details and options when setting up a project. I've attached a screenshot named "Add Project Options" to demonstrate all the settings, options, and layout I'm looking for when creating a new project to the system.

Project Overview:

Once the project is created, in the Project Overview section (Work > Projects > Select a Project > Overview), I'd like all the details shown in the screenshot named "Add Project Options" to be reflected within the project. I've attached a screenshot named "Project Overview" to give you an idea of what I mean. I would like to create two new tabs, right next to the Overview Tab.

One tab shall be named "Client and Project Details," showing all the details entered when creating the project under Client and Project Details.

The second tab should be named "Billing Details," showing all the details entered when creating the project under Billing Details.

However, I would also like to select which role is able to see these two tabs because billing information is more for the finance role and not for employees to see. On the other hand, Practice Managers and Project Managers should be able to see the Client and Project Details. Perhaps this view section can be activated manually by the chosen role under Settings > Roles & Permissions.


The timesheet layout needs to be adjusted to have a per-week view. I have attached a screenshot named "Timesheet" with comments to show an example of what is expected.

Resource Forecast: (the most important feature)

This is something that is not currently in the system, but it is the most important features I need. It shows a clear view of what a consultant is expected to work on in the upcoming weeks and months, allowing to make decisions on the capacity to accept new projects. The module is significantly important for Practice Managers as they allocate resources to each project based on their capacity. The Forecast Module - section should have the following capabilities:

Visibility – key to successful workload management. When browsing through your team’s resource calendar, look out for overtime.

The most important: differences between planned (forecasted) and actual working time.

For effective project management, Resource Forecasting and Capacity Planning are essential components. I require a CRM solution that incorporates these features. Please find a link to Kantata, where they provide detailed information and images explaining Resource Forecasting. (Link: I also found a module named "Staff Workload for Perfex CRM" on CodeCanyon which is similar to use as an example. They also provide screenshots, descriptions, and views. (link here: Realistically, is this something that can be implemented and achieved here?

I'm looking forward to obtaining a budget for these modifications. I would like the budget to be either a fixed price or, alternatively, have an estimated number of hours and an hourly rate, along with the expected time of completion. I'm happy to jump into a call for further discussion and brainstorming.

Thank you.
🔥 Urgent 🛠 Customizing
Juan Gomez
Juan Gomez

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